A Flower of Hope: A tribute to Richard Boltz, A Veteran and my Brother
A FLOWER OF HOPE A TRIBUTE TO MY BROTHER Richard was the middle brother a peace keeper and the man in the middle. When we were young, we lived in a...
Awakening What You May Have Thought Was Once Lost
Realizing that at any age we can get healthy, I have taken to working out harder. My routine is over 1 hour a day incorporating cardio, weights and of course bag...
Getting in Fight Shape for Me and to Inspire Others Who Struggle with PTSD Who Need to Get Into Fight Shape for LIFE and This is Not just Military. It is For Everyone Who Struggles With PTSD.
Getting in Fight Shape for Me and to Inspire Others Who Struggle with PTSD Who Need to Get Into Fight Shape for LIFE and This is Not just Military. It is...
Defend yourself whether you are an individual or professional
Defend yourself whether you are an individual or professional; fighter, security detail, law enforcement, armed forces, hand on hand. If you are being assaulted here are a few moves to help...
What are some ways that a civilian person can actively build his mental resilience?
Question submitted by Johann S. . Mental resilience is a tough one. I kind of grew up in a harsh environment and once I entered the military I became more determined...
How to Build Mental Resilience
What are some ways that a civilian person can actively build his mental resilience? A question from Johann S. I was asked how to build “Mental Resilience” and in part...
Fight Back Series: Jose Jimenez Known to Protect and Assist- by John Vinuela, Contributing Author of American Extension Fighting
viagra find thisI met Jose Jimenez a few months after joining the United States Naval Reserve. Our reserve center had developed a unit which would drill in San Diego and facilitate...
Treachery Is Close To Silence
TREACHERY IS CLOSE TO SILENCE What I mean that “Treachery is close to silence” (James Smokey West) is in the definition of TREACHERY: A HARMFUL THING THAT IS DONE...
James “Smokey” West’s Memoir Excerpt
Jack Murphy, the author of my autobiography, a New York Times bestselling author and a personal friend is a Special Operations Brother and Combat Veteran. Jack is part owner and senior...
Deceptive Punching Power
View image | gettyimages.com Why am I writing about deceptive punching power? This is difficult to describe or explain or really even understand, unless you are naturally gifted and have intuitive...