Fight Back Series: Jose Jimenez Known to Protect and Assist- by John Vinuela, Contributing Author of American Extension Fighting
viagra find thisI met Jose Jimenez a few months after joining the United States Naval Reserve. Our reserve center had developed a unit which would drill in San Diego and facilitate...
Treachery Is Close To Silence
TREACHERY IS CLOSE TO SILENCE What I mean that “Treachery is close to silence” (James Smokey West) is in the definition of TREACHERY: A HARMFUL THING THAT IS DONE...
James “Smokey” West’s Memoir Excerpt
Jack Murphy, the author of my autobiography, a New York Times bestselling author and a personal friend is a Special Operations Brother and Combat Veteran. Jack is part owner and senior...
Some AEF History
More than 20 years ago I developed American Extension Fighting. Please click here to see one of the fighters I have trained.
American Extension Fighting – Nothing to Lose
Learn the most Modern & Innovated Self-Defense System of our times. “American extension Fighting” has been developed over the last forty years and is now being offered to the public! This...
The Tenets of American Extension Fighting
American Extension Fighting is the first American Style Fighting Art incorporating Full Spectrum Mixed Martial Arts training. A.E.F. includes MMA Sports System Training, Mixed Bag of Street Techniques, Government Agency...
Visit to the White House
I had a an opportunity to visit the White House in George Bush’s last month prior to him turning over the keys. One of his key staff members is the brother...
Commendation Medal Awarded From General Schwarzkopf
When I was in Desert Storm I received a Combat Infantry Badge and a Bronze Star with a V device. Working under the purview of the SOCCENT Staff and Officers and...
HALO or Military Free Fall
The HALO, or Military Free-fall course was a blast. Some of the finest soldiers, friends and adrenaline junkies I have ever met are HALO Jumpers. We attended the course before the...